Old Drogheda Society
Today In Drogheda
9am to 4pm Bonanza
Road Train touring the town
9.30am Reduced Family Admissions to Drogheda Museum Millmount
€5 per family.
10.30am -7.50pm Funtasia Waterpark – Ice Skating Rink Open
Tickets €12
11am - Old Abbey -
Nativity Farm
11am – 5pm Millmount
Cultural Centre Christmas Craft
11am – 7pm Funtasia
Waterpark - Toner’s Christmas House – A Winter Wonderland
11am – 5pm –
Killsharvan House – ‘Festive Taste of the Boyne Valley €5 per car
12noon Family
Treasure Hunt from the Childrens Shop , West Street
2pm, 3pm & 4pm -
The Barbican Centre - The Gingerman. Miriam Lambert Puppet Theatre
2.30- 5pm Bui Bolg's
Street Theatre - Old Goats traverse the streets of Drogheda
3pm & 4pm The
Highlanes Gallery - "Tales from the Shadows" Must be prebooked
phone 041-9803311
5pm The Tholsel
–Traditional Tunes in the Tholsel
6pm Funtasia Fireworks Skyfantastic Riverside at Scotch Hall illuminating the
night sky and the eager faces of young and old alike.
8pm TLT Theatre –
Keith Barry ‘Out of Control’
8.30pm Droichead
Arts Centre - Traditional band , Kern
launch their new album No Cover Charge
10pm Live Music or
DJ’s in over 25 pubs and clubs
Drogheda Museum Millmount,
History, Archaeology & Heritage,
Governor's House,
Co. Louth, Ireland,